
The information in this website is provided for general informational purposes only to generate interest in the overall Northlake community, and it does not constitute an offering to sell homes or the solicitation of offers to purchase homes in Northlake. Plans, products, amenities, pricing, depictions of homes and amenities and community/neighborhood information are provided by the respective neighborhood builder in the Northlake community and are subject to change. For specific information on a particular neighborhood, home pricing, home floor plans and amenities offered in a certain neighborhood and the overall community, please contact Lennar for the neighborhood you are interested in. Models do not reflect racial preference. Square footages are approximate. Renderings and homes shown are artists’ conceptions and do not represent actual homesites. IC Broker Management, Inc. CA DRE license #02126004. © 2024 Northlake. All rights reserved. 10/24
Features, amenities, floor plans, elevations, and designs vary and are subject to changes or substitution without notice. Items shown are artist’s renderings and may contain options that are not standard on all models or not included in the purchase price. Availability may vary. Sq. ft. and acreage are estimated; actual sq. ft. and acreage will differ. Plans to build out this neighborhood as proposed are subject to change without notice. Please contact the school district for the most current information about specific schools. Seller does not represent and cannot guarantee that the community will be serviced by any particular public school/school district or, once serviced by a particular school/school district, that the same school/school district will service the project for any particular period of time. Schools that your children are eligible to attend may change over time. Actual views may vary. Views cannot be relied upon as being the actual view from any particular home within the community. Lennar makes no guarantees regarding continuing existence of any view from a home. Models/lifestyle photos do not reflect racial or ethnic preference. Scenes may be of locations or activities not on a Lennar property. Site plans, community maps and aerial photos are conceptual in nature and are merely an artist's rendition. They are solely for illustrative purposes, should never be relied upon, and are subject to change. Maps are not to scale and are for relative location purposes only. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. Copyright © 2024 Lennar Corporation. Lennar and the Lennar logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. Lennar Sales Corp., CA DRE Broker #01252753 (Responsible Broker: Joanna Duke). BMR Construction, Inc., CA CSLB #830955. CalAtlantic Group, Inc., CA CSLB #1037780. Lennar Homes of California, Inc., CA CSLB #728102. Date 10/24

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